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Jack Weller

A high school student from Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Chat Client

This is basically a clone of Discord that I made using Firebase. I originally intended it to be a single HTML file but then I decided to make it a desktop app using Electron.

BOM Website

I have created this redesign for the Bureau of Meteorology website because I believe that the current website has a quite outdated design and UI.

NodeJS Maze

This is a maze game that I made for a hackerthon. It runs in the console and uses WASD to move around. To be honest, I drew each frame of the maze and used coordinates to determain what frame to show. I might remake this in the future to use a more efficient method.


This is my first major project that I have worked on. It is basically a twitter clone that I made using React and Firebase.


This is a simple script that I made to download the latest radar images from the Bureau of Meteorology's FTP server and then convert it to a GIF. It uses Python and the Pillow library.

Project Manager

I created this for when I wanted to start a new project with custom templates like a React app or Electron.